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Katrin Spranger

Katrin Spranger

Artist · London, United Kingdom
1.8Stills from the performance Digital
Aquatopia Water Fountain Detail
Aquatopia Water Fountain DetailWater Sculpture 80 x 80 x 165 cm
The Aquatopia Water Fountain
The Aquatopia Water Fountain Water Sculpture 80 x 80 x 165 cm
The Future of Apis Melifera
The Future of Apis Melifera 3D printed, edible sculpture made from dehydrated honey various sizes
Best Before
Best Before Crude oil jewellery and performance Digital /images from the performance
Crude oil painting #1 from the 1.8 performance
Crude oil painting #1 from the 1.8 performance Crude oil and metallic pigments on paper 50 x 174.5 cm
Crude Oil Painting #2 from the 1.8 performance
Crude Oil Painting #2 from the 1.8 performance Crude oil and metallic pigments on paper, 50 x 174.5 cm
Aquatopia Water Storage
Aquatopia Water Storage Water Sculpture 45 x 30 x 20 cm
Aquatopia Bowl
Aquatopia Bowl Water Bowl40 x 40 x 25 cm
Aquatopia Water Storage
Aquatopia Water Storage Water Sculpture 35 x 35 x 40 cm
Aquatopia Water Storage
Aquatopia Water StorageSculpture 60 x 65 x 60 cm
Aquatopia Bath
Aquatopia BathWater Sculture 210 x 70 x 65 cm
1.8video, performance and paintings digital and paintings, various sizes
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