Essere Residency is a self-directed program designed to encourage the creative and personal growth of writers, artists and creatives of all disciplines at any stage of their career or personal self-expression.
The residency offers a supportive space to develop professional creative skills as well as receive mentorship and support for inner wellbeing. Each person’s unique creative process is fostered within the context of a vibrant international community, in the tranquility and historic richness of rural Tuscany.
Whether you need dedicated time to bring a project to completion, or space to envision something totally new, this two-week residency delivers the right amount of structure, support and solitude.
Days are free to explore your creative vision and share perspectives with artists of different ages and cultures from all over the world. Evenings we come together for inspiring, instructional talks by the Artists in Residence on topics of relevance to all.These talks are followed by a delicious 3-course dinner and wine prepared by our local chef.
Individual mentorship in specific disciplines is available by appointment with the AiRs and residency Director Jennie Lee will be offering personal coaching support and guided meditation sessions.
Possible excursions to nearby thermal springs may be organized as well as an on-site cooking class. All in all, you can expect two weeks filled with joy and inspiration!