

Artist ·
“Notturno con ballerina” ( Nocturnal with dancer)
“Notturno con ballerina” ( Nocturnal with dancer)
“ Tessuto emozionale: legàmi” (Emotional fabric: ties)
“ Tessuto emozionale: legàmi” (Emotional fabric: ties)
“L’occhio di Dio” ( The eye of God)
“L’occhio di Dio” ( The eye of God)
"Apocalisse, Giovanni - 6,12" (Apocalypse, John -6,12)
"Apocalisse, Giovanni - 6,12" (Apocalypse, John -6,12)
“Pianeti” (Planets)
“Pianeti” (Planets)
“Il piano divino” (The divine plan)
“Il piano divino” (The divine plan)
“Incontro planetario ” ( Planetary meeting)
“Incontro planetario ” ( Planetary meeting)
“Eclisse solare” ( Solar eclipse)
“Eclisse solare” ( Solar eclipse)
“La caduta di Ra” ( The fall of Ra)
“La caduta di Ra” ( The fall of Ra)
“Chiaro di luna” ( Moonlight)
“Chiaro di luna” ( Moonlight)
“Incubo” ( Nightmare)
“Incubo” ( Nightmare)
"Le mie mani sanguinano" ( My hands bleed )
"Le mie mani sanguinano" ( My hands bleed )
Alice e i suoi pensieri nella notte ( Alice and her thoughts in the night)
Alice e i suoi pensieri nella notte ( Alice and her thoughts in the night)
Amore ( Love)
Amore ( Love)
Su un altro piano ( on another plan)
Su un altro piano ( on another plan)
Energia del colore (  energy ofcolor)
Energia del colore ( energy ofcolor)
Ferita aperta ( open wound)
Ferita aperta ( open wound)
Amore cieco ( blind love)
Amore cieco ( blind love)
"17/6/9, 81 giorni" ( 17/6/9, 81 days)
"17/6/9, 81 giorni" ( 17/6/9, 81 days)
Sandalia: radici (roots)
Sandalia: radici (roots)
Resterei  ( I  would  stay)
Resterei ( I would stay)
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